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Joshua D Hester “Jozoway” is a learned writer, publication designer, and book artist. His work explores the book as an art form, inspired by the fluidity of Parkour and the timeless wisdom of the Dao De Jing. For Jozoway, every book has a soul and offers many gateways to the path of self-discovery.

Jozoway’s reductive and meditative method transcends conventional boundaries, using printed matter as a medium for self-expression. His works resonate deeply with audiences, reflecting profound truths pulled from within and a commitment to authenticity.

Well Books, founded by Jozoway, is an artist-led publishing initiative in the UK promoting writers, book arts, and self-publishing. We celebrate the curious and creative through exhibitions, spoken-word ciphers, and workshops.

Our goal is to create a mobile bookshop library to foster community among mystic artists. We aim to raise £45,000 for a pre-loved mobile library, materials, and participation in book fairs. We aim to inspire others along the journey of self-discovery and create the space for deep exploration and universal understanding.

Royal Gala Dinner Fundraiser - Poetry Reading
Creative Talent Programme Artist, Creative Youth - Jozoway Selected
Creatives Sparks February at Fusebox, Creative Youth - Jozoway Book One Reading
AMP Kingston Music Heritage Opening Night at Fusebox - Jozoway Poetry Reading 

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